Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Creative Unit

hand color 

Symmetrical Patterns
Circle rotations
Texture screen
Vertical Strips
halftone screen

This was a very fun unit. I liked how diverse we could make our photos, and abstract. You can really tell how you're feeling and show your emotions through a photo. Some of the photos were a little confusing to do and I wish there was more time to be able to be spent on them. Although, my favorite was hand color since you can really make the photo abstract and creative. Overall, this was at times a difficult unit, but I did enjoy the overall finished project of my photographs.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Motion final

Writing with Light

frozen motion
blurred motion

I found this project to be really fun to do. Most of the photos were easy like the frozen motion and the chrono, but I think the panning was the hardest. It's very hard to make someone clear but the background blurry. It took me a while to figure out how to do this but I finally understood how to take a panning photo. My favorite photo to take was the writing with light, because there was a lot of creativity that can be put into the photograph. Also, the zooming was fun since it can make a photo really abstract. Overall I really liked this assignment because there is a wide variety of images you can take.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Motion Planning

For our project my partner and I were thinking about basing our project around sports and or nature:

Blurred Subject (Clear background)-

-For the blurred subject my partner and I were thinking of getting a baseball player. 

-Running or pitching, causing them to be blurry but the background will be clear

a slower shutter speed.. not sure yet exactly


-Have someone running, get my sister to sprint on the track and have her be clear but the background be blurry

- Get a lacrosse player running across the field

1/100 shutter speed possibly

Frozen motion-

 Baseball player running or doing some type of motion
lacrosse player jumping, some type of sport being played for action shot
very fast shutter speed maybe 1/4000


something in nature
somebody's house shot in the woods
a flower

Writing with light-

Trace a person
Angel wings drawn on someone
use different colored lights to give more of a unique look

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Writing with Light Group Experiment

Lauren, Emma and Gina

writing with light

I really liked doing this type of assignment. I thought it could really show your creative side to using light. I never knew how to do this type of photo until now, and I never would've thought that this is how you would achieve "writing with light". Our groups photo's at first turned out really bad, but then we got the hang of working the camera to achieve the design we wanted. Some suggestions that I have for next time is to start the design that you are doing when the seconds start to count up and the black screen shows. Also, when you are doing your design, move slowly and it will really capture the colors of the light you are using.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

lighting final

natural light (shade)
natural light (shade)
natural light (shade)

existing light

All of these five photos focus on my mom. To me, my mom has been there for me the most when I was growing up. My dad works a lot, so she usually is the parent that stays home, cooks, and watches over the house when no one is home. These photos are supposed to show what my mom likes to do and what is part of her daily life. The first photo I wanted to focus more on just her face. When I asked my mom if I could take photo's of her she was a little shy about it, that's why I wanted to capture her shyness in this photo. ALthough, you may see that she is still smiling. When I think of my mom at all I always think of her smiling all the time. Even my friends say, oh your mom is always smiling and laughing! She's so bubbly and fun! That's why she is smiling but looking away from the camera, because she is just a little camera shy. For the next two photos and the previous one that I took I chose to take them outside in the front of my house. Usually when I get home from school or wake up in the morning, my mom is always outside either feeding the birds or just walking around. She has always had a love for nature and the environment. I really wanted to capture the lighting with it being dark to look as if she's doing this in the morning (feeding the birds) and walking around outside.