Friday, April 24, 2015

Motion Planning

For our project my partner and I were thinking about basing our project around sports and or nature:

Blurred Subject (Clear background)-

-For the blurred subject my partner and I were thinking of getting a baseball player. 

-Running or pitching, causing them to be blurry but the background will be clear

a slower shutter speed.. not sure yet exactly


-Have someone running, get my sister to sprint on the track and have her be clear but the background be blurry

- Get a lacrosse player running across the field

1/100 shutter speed possibly

Frozen motion-

 Baseball player running or doing some type of motion
lacrosse player jumping, some type of sport being played for action shot
very fast shutter speed maybe 1/4000


something in nature
somebody's house shot in the woods
a flower

Writing with light-

Trace a person
Angel wings drawn on someone
use different colored lights to give more of a unique look

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