Thursday, October 2, 2014

Themed shooting assignment

1.     Anger       

My friends dad looks like he is staring down at someone angerly.
2.     Power
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This is a photo of my dad and brother arm wrestling, which represents power in strength.
3.     Ugly

The stuffed animal monsters in this photo look ugly.
4.     Calm

The photo makes you feel calm..

5.     Compassion
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I captured a photo of books, because I am very compassionate about them.
6.     Authority

The word unauthorized uses the suffix of authority and only people of authority were allowed beyond this point.
7.     Pride

The Cumberland Valley eagle represents pride.
8.     Mysterious
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This photo is mysterious since the photo was taken at night of a tree, with a streak of light hitting it.
9.     Wisdom
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This picture is wisdom since all of the quotes in it are inspirational for running.
10.  Love

Love is like Minnie and Mickey, because they both love each other. 
11.  Lazy
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This is a photo of my cat Fuzz who is very lazy all the time.
12.  Temptation

The ice cream is very tempting.
13.  Happiness

The girl in this photo looks happy while she is hugging a stuffed bear.
14.  Growth
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Both my dad and brother are photos of them when they were younger, capturing memories from their childhood.
15.  Memories

This is a book that I read in my childhood, which  brings back memories. :)
16.  Sounds

Beats produce sound.
17.  Diversity

The photo shows different diverse races.
18.  Dangerous

If you step on this plant, it is very dangerous since it has thorns.
19.  Hope

The sun shining through the clouds in the photo represents hope. Shining a light is a sense of hope for some people.
20.  Truth
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People take an oath on the bible to say the truth in court.
21.  Patriotic

The American flag is patriotic. 
22.  Sad

The blue of the mask and her hand shying away her face, represents sadness. 
23.  Terrifying

The skeleton in the photo looks very terrifying with its red eyes.
24.  Abandoned
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This is a picture of an abandoned bird house in the front of my house.
25.  Courage

She had a lot of courage when she walked on the high ledge.

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