Monday, November 3, 2014

Understanding Shutter Speeds

                     Shutter speed
What is shutter speed?
Shutter speed is the amount of time the shutter is open. 

How does shutter speed work in a camera?
When you lower the shutter speed in a camera it lets more light into the camera. The lower the shutter speed, the longer the shutter is open, causing it to let more light in. The higher the shutter speed, there is less light, and the shutter is open for less time. 
How does shutter speed work visually in a photo?
If you lower the shutter speed, the photo will come out blurry. If you make the shutter speed higher this causes a freeze movement, and the photo will come out clear. 
Relationship to the exposure triangle
When you change the shutter speed, you need to balance it out with changing the aperture or the f/stop. The ISO doesn't change unless you can't balance out the photo, you can then change the ISO. 


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